Now is NOT the time to let your workouts become relaxed or non-existant! If you want to look good for all of those holiday parties and get a jump start on the new year, you need to start a program NOW! That’s why we’ve decided to continue our camp through the holidays. We were so impressed by how much the current members improved with their fitness, weight loss and goals that we decided to keep the program going so they would look and feel their best over the holidays. What’s changed since the last camp? Not much, except for the time is now 6-7pm and we are only meeting on Mondays and Thursdays. The price ends up being about the samer per class,but now it’s $160 or $15 for the drop-in rate. It includes 14 classes total (2x week plus two Saturdays, date tbd). If you are a member of Fit Athletic Club, please signup at Fit (see Pete the GM) and you will get a $30 discount!
*Also, members of this camp will get an exclusive “Maintenance Package” that will help you stay on track over the holidays with sample workouts, diet tips and more!
You can signup with the link to the right or just pay in person. For the map to workout location, click HERE.
*We will resume our regular 3x week camp in January!